
ChartTypeCharacterizer class

Helper for getting additional information about charts and series by its ChartType.

public static class ChartTypeCharacterizer


static HasSeriesTrendLines(ChartType)Returns if there are series trend lines for specified series type.
static Is2DChart(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of 2D chart types.
static Is3DChart(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of 3D chart types.
static IsBar3DChart(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of bar3DChart subtypes (3D columns or bars).
static IsChartTypeArea(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Area subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): Area, PercentsStackedArea, PercentsStackedArea3D, StackedArea, StackedArea3D, Area3D.
static IsChartTypeBar(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Bar subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): ClusteredBar, ClusteredBar3D, PercentsStackedBar, PercentsStackedBar3D, StackedBar, StackedBar3D, ClusteredHorizontalCone, ClusteredHorizontalCylinder, ClusteredHorizontalPyramid, StackedHorizontalCone, StackedHorizontalCylinder, StackedHorizontalPyramid, PercentsStackedHorizontalCone, PercentsStackedHorizontalCylinder, PercentsStackedHorizontalPyramid.
static IsChartTypeBubble(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Bubble subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): Bubble, BubbleWith3D.
static IsChartTypeColumn(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Column subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): ClusteredColumn, ClusteredColumn3D, ClusteredCone, ClusteredCylinder, ClusteredPyramid, PercentsStackedColumn, PercentsStackedColumn3D, PercentsStackedCone, PercentsStackedCylinder, PercentsStackedPyramid, StackedColumn, StackedColumn3D, StackedCone, StackedCylinder, StackedPyramid, Column3D, Cylinder3D, Cone3D, Pyramid3D.
static IsChartTypeDoughnut(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Doughnut subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): Doughnut, ExplodedDoughnut.
static IsChartTypeLine(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Line subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): Line, LineWithMarkers, PercentsStackedLine, PercentsStackedLineWithMarkers, StackedLine, StackedLineWithMarkers, Line3D.
static IsChartTypePie(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Pie subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): BarOfPie, ExplodedPie, ExplodedPie3D, Pie, Pie3D, PieOfPie.
static IsChartTypeRadar(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Radar subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): FilledRadar, Radar, RadarWithMarkers.
static IsChartTypeScatter(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Scatter subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): ScatterWithMarkers, ScatterWithSmoothLines, ScatterWithSmoothLinesAndMarkers, ScatterWithStraightLines, ScatterWithStraightLinesAndMarkers.
static IsChartTypeStock(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Stock subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): HighLowClose, OpenHighLowClose, VolumeHighLowClose, VolumeOpenHighLowClose.
static IsChartTypeSurface(ChartType)Return true if chartType is one of Surface subtypes. Subtypes set corresponds to the appropriate set in PowerPoint (see “Change Chart Type” dialog in PowerPoint): Surface3D, WireframeSurface3D, Contour, WireframeContour.
static IsErrorBarsXAllowed(ChartType)Returns if error bars X allowed for specified series type.
static IsErrorBarsYAllowed(ChartType)Returns if error bars Y allowed for specified series type.
static IsSeriesUsesBubbleSizeCoordinate(ChartType)Returns if bubble size coordinates can be used for specified series type.
static IsSeriesUsesValueCoordinate(ChartType)Returns if specified series type uses value coordinates.
static IsSeriesUsesXValueCoordinate(ChartType)Returns if specified series type uses X value coordinates.
static IsSeriesUsesYValueCoordinate(ChartType)Returns if specified series type uses Y value coordinates.

See Also