
IDataLabelCollection interface

Represents a series labels.

public interface IDataLabelCollection : IChartComponent, IEnumerable<IDataLabel>


AsIChartComponent { get; }Allows to get base IChartComponent interface. Read-only IChartComponent.
AsIEnumerable { get; }Allows to get base IEnumerable interface. Read-only IEnumerable.
Count { get; }Gets the number of all data labels in the collection. Read-only Int32.
CountOfVisibleDataLabels { get; }Gets the number of visible data labels in the collection. Read-only Int32.
DefaultDataLabelFormat { get; }Returns default format of all data labels in the collection. Read-only IDataLabelFormat.
IsVisible { get; }False means that data label is not visible by default (and so all Show*-flags (ShowValue, …) of the DefaultDataLabelFormat property are false). Read-only Boolean.
Item { get; }Gets the data label for the data point with the specified index.
LeaderLinesFormat { get; }Represents data labels leader lines format. Read-only IChartLinesFormat.
ParentSeries { get; }Returns parent chart series. Read-only IChartSeries.


Hide()Make data label hidden by default by setting all Show*-flags (ShowValue, …) of the DefaultDataLabelFormat property to false state. IsVisible will be false after this.
IndexOf(IDataLabel)Returns an index of the specified DataLabel in the collection.

See Also