ShapeFrame ShapeFrame class Represents shape frame’s properties.
Copy public class ShapeFrame : IShapeFrame
Constructors Name Description ShapeFrame (float, float, float, float, NullableBool, NullableBool, float)Creates new shape frame’s properties.
Properties Name Description CenterX { get; }Returns the X coordinate of a frame’s center. Read-only Single. CenterY { get; }Returns the Y coordinate of a frame’s center. Read-only Single. FlipH { get; }Determines whether a frame is flipped horizontally. Read-only NullableBool
. FlipV { get; }Determines whether a frame is flipped vertically. Read-only NullableBool
. Height { get; }Returns the height of a frame. Read-only Single. Rectangle { get; }Returns the coordinates of a frame. Read-only RectangleF. Rotation { get; }Returns the number of degrees a frame is rotated around the z-axis. A positive value indicates clockwise rotation; a negative value indicates counterclockwise rotation. Read-only Single. Width { get; }Returns the width of a frame. Read-only Single. X { get; }Returns the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of a frame. Read-only Single. Y { get; }Returns the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of a frame. Read-only Single.
Methods Name Description Clone ()Clones CloneT ()Clones. override Equals (object) Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. Equals (ShapeFrame)Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. override GetHashCode () Returns a hash code for this object.
See Also