
OfficeMath.EquationXmlEncoding property

Gets/sets an encoding that was used to encode equation XML, if this office math object is read from equation XML. We use the encoding on saving a document to write in same encoding that it was read.

public Encoding EquationXmlEncoding { get; set; }


Shows how to set office math display formatting.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Office math.docx");

OfficeMath officeMath = (OfficeMath) doc.GetChild(NodeType.OfficeMath, 0, true);

// OfficeMath nodes that are children of other OfficeMath nodes are always inline.
// The node we are working with is the base node to change its location and display type.
Assert.AreEqual(MathObjectType.OMathPara, officeMath.MathObjectType);
Assert.AreEqual(NodeType.OfficeMath, officeMath.NodeType);
Assert.AreEqual(officeMath.ParentNode, officeMath.ParentParagraph);

// OOXML and WML formats use the "EquationXmlEncoding" property.

// Change the location and display type of the OfficeMath node.
officeMath.DisplayType = OfficeMathDisplayType.Display;
officeMath.Justification = OfficeMathJustification.Left;

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Shape.OfficeMath.docx");

See Also