
Contacts enumeration

Contacts namespace of the ActiveSync protocol

public enum Contacts


Name Value Description
Anniversary 5 The wedding anniversary date for the contact.
AssistantName 6 The name of the contact’s assistant.
AssistantPhoneNumber 7 The phone number of the contact’s assistant.
Birthday 8 The birth date of the contact.
Business2PhoneNumber 12 The second business telephone number for the contact.
BusinessAddressCity 13 The business city of the contact.
BusinessAddressCountry 14 The business country/region for the contact.
BusinessAddressPostalCode 15 The business postal code for the contact.
BusinessAddressState 16 The business state for the contact.
BusinessAddressStreet 17 The business street address for the contact.
BusinessFaxNumber 18 The business fax number for the contact.
BusinessPhoneNumber 19 The business telephone number for the contact.
CarPhoneNumber 20 The car telephone number for the contact.
Categories 21 A collection of user labels assigned to the contact.
Category 22 A category that is assigned to the contact.
Children 23 A collection of the contact’s children.
Child 24 One of the contact’s children.
CompanyName 25 The company name for the contact.
Department 26 The department name for the contact.
Email1Address 27 The first e-mail address for the contact.
Email2Address 28 The second e-mail address for the contact.
Email3Address 29 The third e-mail address for the contact.
FileAs 30 The filing string for the contact.
FirstName 31 The contact’s first name.
Home2PhoneNumber 32 The second home phone number for the contact.
HomeAddressCity 33 The home city for the contact.
HomeAddressCountry 34 The home country/region for the contact.
HomeAddressPostalCode 35 The home postal code for the contact.
HomeAddressState 36 The home state for the contact.
HomeAddressStreet 37 The home street address for the contact.
HomeFaxNumber 38 The home fax number for the contact.
HomePhoneNumber 39 The home phone number for the contact.
JobTitle 40 The contact’s job title.
LastName 41 The contact’s last name.
MiddleName 42 The contact’s middle name.
MobilePhoneNumber 43 The mobile phone number for the contact.
OfficeLocation 44 The office location for the contact.
OtherAddressCity 45 The city of the contact’s alternative address.
OtherAddressCountry 46 The country/region of the contact’s alternative address.
OtherAddressPostalCode 47 The postal code of the contact’s alternative address.
OtherAddressState 48 The state of the contact’s alternative address.
OtherAddressStreet 49 The street address of the contact’s alternative address.
PagerNumber 50 The pager number for the contact.
RadioPhoneNumber 51 The radio telephone number for the contact.
Spouse 52 The name of the contact’s spouse/partner.
Suffix 53 The suffix for the contact’s name.
Title 54 The contact’s business title.
WebPage 55 The Web site or personal Web page for the contact.
YomiCompanyName 56 The Japanese phonetic rendering of the company name for the contact.
YomiFirstName 57 The Japanese phonetic rendering of the first name of the contact.
YomiLastName 58 The Japanese phonetic rendering of the last name of the contact.
Picture 60 The file, which is encoded with base64 encoding, containing the picture of the contact.
Alias 61 The user’s alias.
WeightedRank 62 The rank this entry possesses in the recipient information cache.

See Also