Contacts enumeration
Contacts namespace of the ActiveSync protocol
public enum Contacts
Name | Value | Description |
Anniversary | 5 |
The wedding anniversary date for the contact. |
AssistantName | 6 |
The name of the contact’s assistant. |
AssistantPhoneNumber | 7 |
The phone number of the contact’s assistant. |
Birthday | 8 |
The birth date of the contact. |
Business2PhoneNumber | 12 |
The second business telephone number for the contact. |
BusinessAddressCity | 13 |
The business city of the contact. |
BusinessAddressCountry | 14 |
The business country/region for the contact. |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | 15 |
The business postal code for the contact. |
BusinessAddressState | 16 |
The business state for the contact. |
BusinessAddressStreet | 17 |
The business street address for the contact. |
BusinessFaxNumber | 18 |
The business fax number for the contact. |
BusinessPhoneNumber | 19 |
The business telephone number for the contact. |
CarPhoneNumber | 20 |
The car telephone number for the contact. |
Categories | 21 |
A collection of user labels assigned to the contact. |
Category | 22 |
A category that is assigned to the contact. |
Children | 23 |
A collection of the contact’s children. |
Child | 24 |
One of the contact’s children. |
CompanyName | 25 |
The company name for the contact. |
Department | 26 |
The department name for the contact. |
Email1Address | 27 |
The first e-mail address for the contact. |
Email2Address | 28 |
The second e-mail address for the contact. |
Email3Address | 29 |
The third e-mail address for the contact. |
FileAs | 30 |
The filing string for the contact. |
FirstName | 31 |
The contact’s first name. |
Home2PhoneNumber | 32 |
The second home phone number for the contact. |
HomeAddressCity | 33 |
The home city for the contact. |
HomeAddressCountry | 34 |
The home country/region for the contact. |
HomeAddressPostalCode | 35 |
The home postal code for the contact. |
HomeAddressState | 36 |
The home state for the contact. |
HomeAddressStreet | 37 |
The home street address for the contact. |
HomeFaxNumber | 38 |
The home fax number for the contact. |
HomePhoneNumber | 39 |
The home phone number for the contact. |
JobTitle | 40 |
The contact’s job title. |
LastName | 41 |
The contact’s last name. |
MiddleName | 42 |
The contact’s middle name. |
MobilePhoneNumber | 43 |
The mobile phone number for the contact. |
OfficeLocation | 44 |
The office location for the contact. |
OtherAddressCity | 45 |
The city of the contact’s alternative address. |
OtherAddressCountry | 46 |
The country/region of the contact’s alternative address. |
OtherAddressPostalCode | 47 |
The postal code of the contact’s alternative address. |
OtherAddressState | 48 |
The state of the contact’s alternative address. |
OtherAddressStreet | 49 |
The street address of the contact’s alternative address. |
PagerNumber | 50 |
The pager number for the contact. |
RadioPhoneNumber | 51 |
The radio telephone number for the contact. |
Spouse | 52 |
The name of the contact’s spouse/partner. |
Suffix | 53 |
The suffix for the contact’s name. |
Title | 54 |
The contact’s business title. |
WebPage | 55 |
The Web site or personal Web page for the contact. |
YomiCompanyName | 56 |
The Japanese phonetic rendering of the company name for the contact. |
YomiFirstName | 57 |
The Japanese phonetic rendering of the first name of the contact. |
YomiLastName | 58 |
The Japanese phonetic rendering of the last name of the contact. |
Picture | 60 |
The file, which is encoded with base64 encoding, containing the picture of the contact. |
Alias | 61 |
The user’s alias. |
WeightedRank | 62 |
The rank this entry possesses in the recipient information cache. |
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Email.Clients.ActiveSync.TransportLayer
- assembly Aspose.Email