
ItemOperations enumeration

ItemOperations namespace of the ActiveSync protocol

public enum ItemOperations


Name Value Description
ItemOperations 5 The ItemOperations element is a required element in ItemOperations command requests and ItemOperations command responses that identifies the body of the HTTP POST as containing an ItemOperations command (section
Fetch 6 Retrieves an item from the server.
Store 7 Specifies the name of the store to which the parent operation applies.
Options 8 Contains the options for the EmptyFolderContents operation, the Fetch operation, or the Move operation.
Range 9 Specifies the range of bytes that the client can receive in response to the Fetch (section operation for a document library item.
Total 10 Indicates the total size of an item on the server, in bytes.
Properties 11 Contains the properties that are returned for item(s) in the response.
Data 12 Contains the item content for inline content responses.
Status 13 Indicates the result of an operation.
Response 14 Contains the operation responses.
Version 15 Indicates the time at which a document item was last modified.
Schema 16 Specifies the schema of the item to be fetched.
Part 17 Specifies an integer index into the metadata of the multipart response.
EmptyFolderContents 18 Identifies the body of the request or response as containing the operation that deletes the contents of a folder.
DeleteSubFolders 19 Indicates whether to delete the subfolders of the specified folder.
UserName 20 Specifies the username of the account leveraged to fetch the desired item.
Password 21 Specifies the password for the given UserName (section
Move 22 Identifies the body of the request or response as containing the operation that moves a given conversation.
DstFldId 23 Specifies the server ID of the destination folder (that is, the folder to which the items are moved).
ConversationId 24 Specifies the conversation to be moved.
MoveAlways 25 Indicates whether to always move the specified conversation, including all future emails in the conversation, to the folder specified by the DstFldId element (section value.

See Also