Class AnimationChannel

AnimationChannel class

A channel maps property’s component field to a set of keyframe sequences

public class AnimationChannel : KeyframeSequence


BindPoint { get; }Gets the property bind point which owns this curve(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
ComponentType { get; }Gets the component field’s type
DefaultValue { get; set; }Gets or sets the Default value of the channel. If a channel has no keyframe sequences connected, the default value will be used during the animation evaluation. A real scenario: Animation only animates a node’s x coordinate, the y and z are not changed, then the default value will be used during full translation evaluation.
KeyFrames { get; }Gets the key frames of this curve.(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
KeyframeSequence { get; set; }Gets associated keyframe sequence inside this channel
virtual Name { get; set; }Gets or sets the name.(Inherited from A3DObject.)
PostBehavior { get; }Gets the post behavior indicates what the sampled value should be after the last key frame.(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
PreBehavior { get; }Gets the pre behavior indicates what the sampled value should be before the first key.(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
Properties { get; }Gets the collection of all properties.(Inherited from A3DObject.)


Add(double, float)Create a new key frame with specified value(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
Add(double, float, Interpolation)Create a new key frame with specified value(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
FindProperty(string)Finds the property. It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty) or native property(Identified by its name)(Inherited from A3DObject.)
GetEnumerator()Gets the enumerator to traverse all key frames.(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
GetProperty(string)Get the value of specified property(Inherited from A3DObject.)
RemoveProperty(Property)Removes a dynamic property.(Inherited from A3DObject.)
RemoveProperty(string)Remove the specified property identified by name(Inherited from A3DObject.)
Reset()Removes all key frames and reset the post/pre behaviors.(Inherited from KeyframeSequence.)
SetProperty(string, object)Sets the value of specified property(Inherited from A3DObject.)

See Also