
DataContainer class

Contains data for a particular object, such as a contact, email message, calendar appointment, or task item. The DataContainer can be used to change items, add items, or fetch items on the client device or server.

public class DataContainer : IEnumerable


Name Description
DataContainer(string, Namespace) Initializes a new instance of the DataContainer class.
DataContainer(string, Namespace, DataContainer) Initializes a new instance of the DataContainer class.
DataContainer(string, Namespace, DataContainer, string) Initializes a new instance of the DataContainer class.
DataContainer(string, Namespace, DataContainer, string, bool) Initializes a new instance of the DataContainer class.


Name Description
BinaryData { get; set; } Specifies if data is binary.
ElementName { get; } Name of the element, whose data are contained in the data container.
Item { get; } Gets DataContainer for selected element If quantity of DataContainers more then one, AsposeException rises. (15 indexers)
Namespace { get; } NameSpace of the element, whose data are contained in the data container.
Parent { get; } Parent DataContainer
Prefix { get; } Prefix in xml node for the element
SubItems { get; } Copies the sub-elements of the ApplicationData to a new List.
Value { get; set; } Value of the element


Name Description
Add(string) Adds data of element in xml format to the DataContainer.
Add(XmlNode) Adds data of element in xml format to the DataContainer.
Add(int, Namespace) Adds empty DataContainer for element.
Add(int, string, Namespace) Adds data of element to the DataContainer.
Add(int, string, bool, Namespace) Adds data of element to the DataContainer.
GetApplicationDataList(AirSync) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(AirSyncBase) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Calendar) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Contacts) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Contacts2) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(DocumentLibrary) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Email) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Email2) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(GAL) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(ItemOperations) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Notes) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(RightsManagement) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Search) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Settings) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetApplicationDataList(Tasks) Gets list of DataContainers for selected element
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
override ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object.

See Also