Class Microsoft3MFFormat

Microsoft3MFFormat class

File format instance for Microsoft 3MF with 3MF related utilities.

public class Microsoft3MFFormat : FileFormat


CanExport { get; }Gets whether Aspose.3D supports export scene to current file format.(Inherited from FileFormat.)
CanImport { get; }Gets whether Aspose.3D supports import scene from current file format.(Inherited from FileFormat.)
ContentType { get; }Gets file format content type(Inherited from FileFormat.)
Extension { get; }Gets the extension name of this type.(Inherited from FileFormat.)
Extensions { get; }Gets the extension names of this type.(Inherited from FileFormat.)
FileFormatType { get; }Gets file format type(Inherited from FileFormat.)
Version { get; }Gets file format version(Inherited from FileFormat.)


CreateLoadOptions()Create a default load options for this file format(Inherited from FileFormat.)
CreateSaveOptions()Create a default save options for this file format(Inherited from FileFormat.)
GetObjectType(Node)Gets the model type for specified node.
GetTransformForBuild(Node)Get transform matrix for node used in build.
IsBuildable(Node)Check if this node is marked as a build.
SetBuildable(Node, bool, Matrix4?)
SetObjectType(Node, string)Set the model type for specified node. Possible value: model surface solidsupport support other
override ToString()Formats to string(Inherited from FileFormat.)

See Also