Class MapiPropertyCollection

MapiPropertyCollection class

Represents the collection of MapiProperty items.

public class MapiPropertyCollection : IDictionary<long, MapiProperty>, INamedPropertyTagProvider


MapiPropertyCollection()Creates a new instance of class MapiProperty.


Count { get; }Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
IsReadOnly { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only.
Item { get; set; }Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. (2 indexers)
Keys { get; }Gets a System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<long> containing the keys in the collection.
Values { get; }Gets an System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<MapiProperty> containing the values in the collection.


Add(KeyValuePair<long, MapiProperty>)
virtual Add(MapiProperty)Adds a MapiProperty item with specified tag.
virtual Add(long, MapiProperty)Adds a MapiProperty item with specified tag.
Clear()Removes all of the elements from the collection.
Contains(KeyValuePair<long, MapiProperty>)
ContainsKey(long)Determines whether the collection contains a property with the specified tag.
CopyTo(KeyValuePair<long, MapiProperty>[], int)
virtual GetProperty(PropertyDescriptor)Gets MAPI property by property descriptor.
Remove(KeyValuePair<long, MapiProperty>)
Remove(long)Removes the property with the specified tag from the collection.
Remove(PropertyDescriptor)Removes the property with the specified property descriptor from the collection.
TryGetValue(long, out MapiProperty)Gets the property associated with the specified tag.

See Also