
ConValue enumeration

Specifies the type of behavior the x or y-coordinate of the control handle exhibits after the handle is moved.

public enum ConValue


Name Value Description
Proportional 0 Proportional. The control handle can be moved, and it also moves in proportion with the shape when it is stretched.
ProportionalLocked 1 Proportional locked. The control handle moves in proportion with the shape, but the control handle itself cannot be moved.
OffsetFromLeftEdge 2 Offset from left edge. The control handle is offset a constant distance from the left side of the shape.
OffsetFromCenter 3 Offset from center. The control handle is offset a constant distance from the center of the shape.
OffsetFromRightEdge 4 Offset from right edge. The control handle is offset a constant distance from the right side of the shape.
ProportionalHidden 5 Proportional, hidden.Same as 0, but the control handle is not visible.
ProportionalLockedHidden 6 Proportional locked, hidden. Same as 1, but the control handle is not visible.
OffsetFromLeftEdgeHidden 7 Offset from left edge, hidden. Same as 2, but the control handle is not visible.
OffsetFromCenterHidden 8 Offset from center, hidden. Same as 3, but the control handle is not visible.
OffsetFromRightEdgeHidden 9 Offset from right edge, hidden. Same as 4, but the control handle is not visible.
Undefined -2147483648 Undefined.

See Also