
Event class

Contains elements that specify formulas that control shape events.

public class Event : ICloneable


Name Description
Del { get; set; } A flag indicating whether the element has been deleted locally. A value of 1 indicates that the element was deleted locally.
EventDblClick { get; set; } An event element that is evaluated when a shape is double-clicked.
EventDrop { get; set; } An event element that is evaluated when a shape is dropped on the drawing page, either as an instance or when a shape is duplicated or pasted.
EventMultiDrop { get; set; } EventMultiDrop.
EventXFMod { get; set; } An event element that is evaluated when a shape’s position or orientation on the page is transformed.
TheData { get; set; } Reserved for future use.
TheText { get; set; } An event element that is evaluated when a shape’s text or text composition changes.


Name Description
Clone() Creates deep copy of this instance.

See Also