
GlueShapesInContainer(long, string, string, long)

Glue shapes in container using connection name

public void GlueShapesInContainer(long shapeFromId, string shapeToBeginConnectionName, 
    string shapeToEndConnectionName, long shapeToId)
Parameter Type Description
shapeFromId Int64 The ID of shape which is glue from Shape.
shapeToBeginConnectionName String The location on the first connection name where to glue .
shapeToEndConnectionName String The location on the end connection name where to glue .
shapeToId Int64 The ID of shape where to glue to Shape.

See Also

GlueShapesInContainer(long, int, int, long)

Glue shapes in container

public void GlueShapesInContainer(long shapeFromId, int shapeToBeginConnectionIndex, 
    int shapeToEndConnectionIndex, long shapeToId)
Parameter Type Description
shapeFromId Int64 The ID of shape which is glue from Shape.
shapeToBeginConnectionIndex Int32 The location on the first connection index where to glue .
shapeToEndConnectionIndex Int32 The location on the end connection index where to glue .
shapeToId Int64 The ID of shape where to glue to Shape.

See Also