
SnapSettings enumeration

Specifies the objects that shapes snap to when snap is active in the window. The value may be a sum of the values.

public enum SnapSettings


Name Value Description
None 0 Snap to nothing.
RulerSubdivisions 1 Snap to ruler subdivisions.
Grid 2 Snap to grid.
Guides 4 Snap to guides.
Handles 8 Snap to selection handles.
Vertices 10 Snap to vertices.
ConnectionPoints 20 Snap to connection points.
Geometry 100 Snap to the visible edges of shapes.
AlignmentBox 200 Snap to alignment box.
Extensions 400 Snap to shape extensions options.
Disabled 8000 Snap disabled.
Intersections 10000 Snap to intersections.
Undefined FFFFFFFF80000000 Undefined.

See Also