
WalkPreferenceValue enumeration

Specifies whether an endpoint of a 1-D shape moves to a horizontal or vertical connection point on the shape it is glued to, using dynamic glue, when the shape is moved to an ambiguous position.

public enum WalkPreferenceValue


Name Value Description
SideToSideConnections 0 The default. Both endpoints of the 1-D shape move to horizontal connection points (side-to-side connections).
TopToSideOrBottomToSideConnections 1 The begin point of the 1-D shape moves to a vertical connection point, and the end point moves to a horizontal connection point (top-to-side or bottom-to-side connections).
SideToTopOrSideToBottomConnections 2 The begin point of the 1-D shape moves to a horizontal connection point, and the end point moves to a vertical connection point (side-to-top or side-to-bottom connections).
TopToBottomConnections 3 Both endpoints of the 1-D shape move to vertical connection points (top-to-bottom connections).
Undefined -2147483648 Undefined.

See Also