
Fill class

Contains the current fill formatting values for the shape and the shape’s drop shadow, including pattern, foreground color, and background color.

public class Fill : ICloneable


Name Description
Del { get; set; } A flag indicating whether the element has been deleted locally. A value of 1 indicates that the element was deleted locally.
FillBkgnd { get; set; } Specifies the color used for the background of the shape’s fill pattern.
FillBkgndTrans { get; set; } Specifies the transparency level for the background (fill) color of the shape’s fill pattern, from 0 (completely opaque) to 1 (completely transparent).
FillForegnd { get; set; } Specifies the color used for the foreground (stroke) of the shape’s fill pattern.
FillForegndTrans { get; set; } Specifies the transparency level for the foreground (fill) color of the shape’s fill pattern, from 0 (completely opaque) to 1 (completely transparent).
FillPattern { get; set; } Specifies the fill pattern for the shape.
GradientFill { get; } Contains the current gradient fill formatting values for the shape
ShapeShdwBlur { get; set; } Specifies the shadow blur size of a shape. cannot draw blur now, but can parse from vsdx now.
ShapeShdwObliqueAngle { get; set; } Specifies the angle of oblique direction of a shape’s shadow.
ShapeShdwOffsetX { get; set; } Determines the distance in page units that a shape’s shadow is offset horizontally from the shape.
ShapeShdwOffsetY { get; set; } Determines the distance in page units that a shape’s shadow is offset vertically from the shape.
ShapeShdwScaleFactor { get; set; } Specifies the percentage by which the shadow of a shape can be enlarged or reduced.
ShapeShdwShow { get; set; } Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
ShapeShdwType { get; set; } Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
ShdwBkgnd { get; set; } Specifies the color used for the background (fill) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern.
ShdwBkgndTrans { get; set; } Specifies transparency level for the background (fill) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern, from 0.0 (completely opaque) to 1.0 (completely transparent).
ShdwForegnd { get; set; } Specifies the color used for the foreground (stroke) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern.
ShdwForegndTrans { get; set; } Specifies transparency level for the foreground (stroke) of the shape’s drop shadow fill pattern, from 0.0 (completely opaque) to 1.0 (completely transparent).
ShdwPattern { get; set; } Specifies the fill pattern for a shape’s shadow.


Name Description
Clone() Creates deep copy of this instance.

See Also