
SmartTagDef class

Contains elements that contain information for each smart tag defined for a shape or page.

public class SmartTagDef


Name Description
SmartTagDef() Constructor.


Name Description
ButtonFace { get; } It contains the ID of the button face image that appears on the smart tag button.
Del { get; set; } A flag indicating whether the element has been deleted locally. A value of 1 indicates that the element was deleted locally.
Description { get; } Description element contains a string that describes the smart tag, which appears as a tool tip when the user pauses the mouse over the tag.
Disabled { get; } Disabled element determines whether the smart tag appears in the drawing window.
DisplayMode { get; } DisplayMode element determines whether the smart tag appears when the user pauses the mouse over the tag, when the shape is selected, or all the time.
ID { get; set; } The unique ID of the element within its parent element.
Name { get; set; } The name of the element.
NameU { get; set; } The universal name of the element.
TagName { get; } It contains the name of the smart tag that is used as a key to associate the smart tag with its actions.
X { get; } The x-coordinate position in the shape’s local coordinates around which the smart tag button is placed.
XJustify { get; } The x-offset of the smart tag button relative to the point defined by the X and Y elements.
Y { get; } The y-coordinate position in the shape’s local coordinates around which the smart tag button is placed.
YJustify { get; } Specifies the y-offset of the smart tag button relative to the point defined by the X and Y elements.

See Also