
Window class

Represents an open window in a Microsoft Visio instance. This element contains information necessary to exactly re-create a user interface window in the application workspace when the DatadiagramML file is initially opened by Visio.

public class Window


Name Description
Window() Constructor.


Name Description
Container { get; set; } ID of container: Page, Sheet, or Master. Only relevant and necessary if ContainerType is specified.
ContainerType { get; set; } May be one of the following values: Document, Page, or Master. Only relevant when WindowType is specified as Drawing or Sheet.
Document { get; set; } File path of the document displayed in this window. This attribute is relevant for windows whose WindowType is specified as Stencil.
DynamicGridEnabled { get; set; } Specifies whether the dynamic grid feature is enabled for a document or window.
GlueSettings { get; set; } Specifies the objects that shapes glue to when glue is enabled in the document.
ID { get; set; } The unique ID of the element within its parent element.
Master { get; set; } Master ID if this window is displaying a master.
Page { get; set; } Page ID if this window is displaying a page. Relevant only when WindowType is specified as Drawing and ContainerType is specified as Page.
ParentWindow { get; set; } ID of window in which this stencil window is contained. Relevant only when WindowType is specified as Stencil.
ReadOnly { get; set; } Read-only flag if this stencil is not a document stencil.
Sheet { get; set; } ID of sheet in container. Relevant only when Container is specified as Sheet.
ShowConnectionPoints { get; set; } Specifies whether connection points are shown in a window.
ShowGrid { get; set; } Specifies whether a grid is shown in the drawing window.
ShowGuides { get; set; } Specifies whether guides are shown in the drawing window.
ShowPageBreaks { get; set; } Specifies whether page breaks are shown in a window.
ShowRulers { get; set; } Specifies whether rulers are shown in the drawing window.
SnapAngles { get; } Contains a collection of SnapAngle elements.
SnapExtensions { get; set; } Specifies whether a specific snap extension setting is enabled or disabled for the active window. The value can be a sum of the values in the following table.
SnapSettings { get; set; } Specifies the objects that shapes snap to when snap is active in the window. The value may be a sum of the values in the following table.
StencilGroup { get; set; } Specifies the group of merged stencil windows of which the window is a member. This attribute is relevant only for Window elements whose WindowType attribute is Stencil, and only if the stencil window is part of a merged group of stencil windows. All stencil windows that are part of the same merged group have the same StencilGroup element value.
StencilGroupPos { get; set; } Contains an integer that specifies the relative position of a stencil within a group in a window.
TabSplitterPos { get; set; } Specifies the width of the page tab control of a drawing window (as a fraction of the total width of the drawing window).
ViewCenterX { get; set; } Optional double.
ViewCenterY { get; set; } Optional double.
ViewScale { get; set; } Optional double.
WindowHeight { get; set; } Height of the window rectangle.
WindowLeft { get; set; } Left coordinate of the window rectangle.
WindowState { get; set; } This attribute can be a sum of the following values.
WindowTop { get; set; } Top coordinate of the window rectangle.
WindowType { get; set; } An enumerated value that may be one of the following: Drawing, Sheet, Stencil, or Icon.A Window element of WindowType=‘Stencil’ must appear after its parent drawing window (WindowType=‘Drawing’) and before any other drawing window elements.
WindowWidth { get; set; } Width of the window rectangle.

See Also